Saturday, March 13, 2010

Melissa and Tommy

What can I say about this couple that would do them justice? They really know how to go with the when we got kicked out of the merry-go-round. (I have to say that was a first...haha). I even got them to play on some bumper cars, but I think they had fun! But there's so much more to this couple than going with the flow. They are truly and madly in love, and you can see it with just one look. Tommy is going to Afghanistan in May, and I can't really express in words how much it means to me that they let me take the portraits he will keep in his pocket while he is away. Melissa- you are so brave, strong and so positive. Tommy has a special soul to share his life with. Tommy- you are so humble, and what you do is so very important to all of us. Thank you both for everything you do, and never forget to keep having butterflies for one another : )

1 comment:

  1. Wow Steph, beautiful!

    Miss you guys,
    Donny & Diane
